Do you dream of a shorter working week? Reality might soon catch up... | Sonia Sodha

More leisure time will remain out of reach for many until their conditions improve Summer holiday season is upon us, and one of the little sun-lounger fantasies I like to indulge, undoubtedly along with millions of others, is the idea of jacking it all in and buying a one-way ticket to somewhere drenched in sunshine all year round but so cheap you can make your savings stretch. Then I get back to the 9-5, and the September drizzle, and file it away until next summer. But what if there’s a bit more substance to this daydream – at least to the notion of working less, if not giving it up altogether? The idea of a shorter working week may sound fantastical but it’s gaining traction on the left: last year the TUC backed a four-day week, and the shadow chancellor John McDonnell has commissioned a review into it. Continue reading...