Martha’s, London: ‘Nearly very special’ – restaurant review

Like a much-loved friend, Martha’s in Soho is a bit hit and miss – but its heart is in the right place Martha’s, 56 Wardour Street, London W1D 4JG (020 3982 8377). Starters £7.50-£12; main courses £10-£28; wines from £26 If Martha was a friend of mine, I’d be begging her to get her shit together. I’d be telling her she has buckets of potential, but that it won’t come to anything if she carries on like this. Get some sleep. Stop winging it. As it happens, Martha’s is a restaurant in London’s Soho, and this is still the speech it needs to hear. Because hiding beneath the posturing and the chaos and the unflamed dessert – we’ll get there – are the beginnings of a terrific night out. Continue reading...