Lockdown learning: outdoors skills in your back yard

From the safe confines of home, our writer learns to run, dive, read maps and tie knots – all through online tutorials This week, I went chi running in Bali, free-diving in South Africa and mountaineering in Wales. Not literally, obviously – I was stuck at home like everyone else. But I decided to use my ample spare time to seek out some virtual thrills, or at least try to learn some new skills. I was inspired by Plas Y Brenin , the National Outdoor Centre in Snowdonia. While the centre is closed, it is posting videos and other content to help people brush up their outdoors skills from inside their homes, so we can all make the most of our liberty when the crisis is over (see instagram.com/plasybreninofficial ). I had a go at the knots and ropework demonstrated in a mountaineering video. I certainly wouldn’t trust myself to get anyone safely down a mountain just yet, but it was a start. Continue reading...